higher education

The Key to Our Children's Future

Yearly Expense Breakdown

*This graph is an accurate account of our yearly expenses for the education of our children.


We believe that everyone, no matter who they are or where they are from, should have the chance to hope and dream for a better future.

It is our love of and belief in the future of our children that has led us to commit to providing an education of the highest quality.

Unlike other orphanages in Guatemala, we have committed to sending all of our children on to further their education at universities or vocational schools. We believe this is an imperative tool in breaking the cycle of poverty in their lives.

Educational Strategy

At WMMM, we place importance not only on rescuing children but also on equipping them to change.

We believe they will ultimately become advocates for change for generations to come. The education we provide at Casa Angelina expands the minds of our children. They begin to form new thoughts, dreams, and goals, and we give them the tools to fulfill those.

Every time we rescue new children, they are given an educational background check. If they have not had any schooling and are under the age of 13, they are required by law to start at the first grade. When they turn 13, they are able to enter the Advanced Learning Course and skip grades according to their level of aptitude. Many of our children, even though they arrived with little to no education, have excelled and advanced up to four grades in a year. We have made a commitment to higher education for each child eager to learn. We will support them through elementary, junior high, and high school and then on to college and into their careers.

We are committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and abuse in their lives. We believe that true change comes through education, so we educate our children in three ways:



We provide a high standard of education from first grade through college. Whatever profession the students wish to pursue, we support them by helping them apply to and attend the schooling needed to qualify them for their profession.


Most children we receive have been sexually or physically abused. These traumatic experiences adversely affect our children. To help with their healing, we employ psychologists and social workers and create loving families to develop our children socially. The teams that visit Casa Angelina are always impacted by the loving and joy-filled environment.


We believe that the most significant education in life is answering the cry of our heart toward God. Our efforts would be insignificant if we attempted to restore their fragile hearts without guaranteeing the abiding, eternal peace their hearts cry out for. Therefore, our children are raised in an environment where Jesus is loved and honored and where His love for them is made known.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Nelson Mandela

Educational Structure

Educating children from abusive and survival mentalities and parentless and uneducated backgrounds provide many colorful moments.

Our classes can have children of multiple ages due to the varied levels of their previous education opportunities. These factors, as well as others, have caused us to look beyond our syllabus and teach the individual child. Over the years we have evolved and adapted to our children's needs. It has been a process, but we have developed a flexible system that is addressing their individual needs and is producing excellent results.

To learn more about our educational system, please Click Here.

Your Donation Matters

to furthering the education and, therefore, the futures of our children.
100% of your donation is tax-deductible.
We ask you to consider becoming a monthly partner or giving a one-time donation.

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