Come on a Team trip

A life-changing opportunity awaits!

An Overview

Every phase of Casa Angelina's construction has been largely developed by the financial generosity and physical labor of our partners and teams.

From digging the foundation, laying each brick, and welding the frames to the interior painting, decorating, and carpentry, we have enjoyed the partnership of people from all different backgrounds and walks of life. We further extend this invitation to you! Come and enjoy yourself while leaving your mark and making a difference for all of our children. Not only will you further increase the quality of their lives, but you will also enable us to rescue more kids. Your week will be filled with wonderful children, live performances, great food, significant work, and special memories made for you and your whole family. Make the most of this year by planning to come on a team trip!read more

available dates

Meet our children and help build their future.

FEBRUARYSaturday 17th to Saturday 24th
MARCHSaturday 9th to Saturday 16th
JUNESaturday 15th to Saturday 22nd
JULYSaturday 13th to Saturday 20th
AUGUSTSaturday 10th to Saturday 17th
OCTOBERSaturday 5th to Saturday 12th

planning your trip

For more information about your trip and what to expect in Guatemala, please download our Team Manual.

Team Manual

Frequently Asked Questions

contact us today!


Contact details

To organize a team trip to Casa Angelina, please contact our team trip coordinator at our US office:

  • 719-495-9494
  • forms

    To pay the administration fee or to sign the release form, click below:
    release form

    What you do matters

    Everything we do of significance, we do in partnership with others.