Doña Angela lives in close proximity to Casa Angelina. When recalling her childhood, the first thing she remembers is being much stronger than she is now. When she was 10 years old, she began working with her dad taking care of cows. She never attended school. At the tender age of 17, she was married and worked with her husband in the fields. They had four children—three daughters and one son. Her husband earned only 30 Quetzals a month, which is less than $4 US. They lived in a house made out of dried cornstalks. Her husband began to suffer from a kidney infection in 2006, which continued for a year until he passed away in 2007. Years later, she still misses him greatly. She said he used to always take care of her whenever she was sick, and when he passed, her family really struggled.
Casa Angelina was able to help by building her a house and regularly taking her food and water. Since she suffers from nerve problems, Casa Angelina picks her up regularly to bring her to the onsite Mercy Clinic, where she receives treatment and medicine. For her income, she sells milk from her cow and also raises chickens. She is very grateful to God for taking care of her and for the help she receives. We are very thankful to our supporters because with their support we were able to provide her a new home.