Doña Maria is a widow we help take care of. She began working when she was 13 years old washing clothes, and she remembers being overloaded with too much work. She married when she was 22, and she and her husband had seven children. They both worked in the fields planting vegetables.

    On February 4, 1976, Maria was holding her three-month-old baby, and a huge earthquake hit and destroyed their adobe house. Her baby was killed, and her back was injured. She has suffered from pain ever since that day. Her husband was able to build a new house, but it was only made out of sticks and pieces of wood, so it did not keep the cold out. In 1995, her husband died from malfunctioning organs. She continued working in the fields for a time but could not do so for long because of her pain. When she didn’t have anything to eat, her son would try the best he could to provide for her.

    In 2010, Casa Angelina was able to build her a new house that keeps the cold and rain out. She loves the warmth of her home, and she especially enjoys making tortillas on the stove that was provided for her. Casa Angelina is able to supply her with monthy food supplies and pure water, and she is very grateful for this help. She lives with eight of her family members in her house and smaller houses on her property. She also suffers from respiratory problems, and Casa Angelina’s clinic is available to her for regular treatment. She is an incredible, sweet woman, and we are so thankful to be able to help her!