Doña Bioquinta is supported by Casa Angelina. Her husband, Augustin, is still alive but is in very poor health. Bioquinta doesn’t remember much about the earlier part of her life, but her husband remembers that she was 25 when they got married. They are now both in their 80s. Bioquinta used to work full time, hauling corn to a grinding machine three times every day. She no longer works due to her age and health, but her husband, who has always worked in the fields, continues to do so. Now, due to his age, he is only able to work in the fields two days a week, making only 35 Quetzels a day (equivalent to about $4.25).

    They lived in extreme poverty, lacking food, and rain leaked through their cornstalk shack. They used to build a fire right next to their small wooden bed for heat, and their house was full of smoke and soot. Casa Angelina tried for years to improve their lives by building a house and buying them a new stove, but Bioquinta refused help because she was afraid of change and the ecological stove. However, after a time, she opened up to us, and we were able a build them a new home with a stove, and we now continually provide them with food and water. They live next door to their daughter, Celia, who is another widow supported by Casa Angelina. They are very grateful to have their prayers answered and to have the support of food, clean water, and medical care brought to them in their new home.