Doña Celia has been a widow since 2003. Her five children were very young when her husband died, making it extremely hard on her. In desperate need of a job, she asked a nearby farmer if she could work in his field. He agreed, upon the condition that he could have his way with her, and she saw no other option. As a result, Celia was impregnated and gave birth to a daughter.

    Her family would eat vegetable broth with tortillas for every meal and had nothing else. All seven of them would sleep in two beds with a firepit in the middle of the house that constantly filled it with smoke. She felt a great weight lifted off of her when we were able to build her a new home. Because of the size of her family, her new house consists of two bedrooms with bunk beds so that each child has their own bed, and a wood stove that keeps their house warm and smoke-free. She was able to get back on her feet and now raises chickens and receives continued help from Casa Angelina. She also works in a field every day and is able to also provide for her family. We are so thankful that her life is improving as each day passes.