Marta is a widow we help onsite at Casa Angelina. In 2004, her husband was hit and killed by a semi truck while walking to work. Marta’s husband was a very controlling and abusive man. As a widow, she found it very hard to support herself, as well as her four children. She worked in the fields, making 25 Quetzals a day (around $3 US).

    Six years later, we met Marta through her cousin who worked for Casa Angelina. Shortly after, she started working for us as well washing clothes. We were able to visit her at her home and realized that she had almost no shelter. Thanks to a team that came to Casa Angelina, we were able to build her a new home.

    She has been working at Casa Angelina for five years and now works in the kitchen where she is known for her amazing tortillas! We are so happy for Marta because she now has a beautiful home, a better quality of life, nutritious food, and a job that allows her to spend weekends with her children.