Our Casa Angelina Family is Growing!

Ingrid and her daughter are two of our most recent additions to Casa Angelina! Ingrid was just 12 years old when she got pregnant by her stepfather. On the day of her delivery, someone dropped her off at the hospital, but no one came to visit or pick her up afterwards. The staff immediately recognized this as a case of abuse and called the judge. We then received a phone call from him, asking us if we would take Ingrid (now 13) and her daughter, yet to be named. We are extremely glad they are with us! Their entire lives will be drastically different. For the first time, Ingrid will be safe and secure. Please keep this sweet, young girl and her baby in your prayers as she adjusts to living at Casa Angelina. We believe God will give Ingrid total deliverance and healing, mightily revealing His love to her!

Welcoming Edgar

We are excited to have this little boy in our care now. Edgar is 11 years old and has been severely neglected. His mother is in Honduras, and he doesn’t know who his father is. Edgar was found living on the streets with a family that wasn’t his own and who didn’t take care of him, as a result, when we received him, he was covered in scabies and had a lot of parasites. Our clinic and staff have been working diligently to get his body fully healed, preparing him to start school with the other children. While we do not know much information about Edgar yet, we love him and are blessed to be his new family.

Recently we received a phone call from the judge saying they found Edgar’s two sisters and that they are going to send them to us as well! We are grateful they will be reunited! Be on the lookout for an update regarding these two new girls. Please pray for this young boy and his sisters, for their complete healing physically and emotionally.

Need: Casa Angelina Security Cameras

We are currently raising support for a property-wide security camera system at Casa Angelina. This has been something we have dreamed of doing for the safety and protection of our children and property. The full system will cost $35,000.

Recently, Guatemala has been in the media spotlight for its illegal and poorly run orphanages. But for over a decade, we have gone out of our way to build relationship with government officials and judges, showing them that we go above and beyond the standards and protocol. It has given us great favor! While our safety standards are extremely high and we regularly report to judges on all the children’s cases we have, we know we will have even better rapport and favor with them with the installation of this security system. This will be a huge blessing to us and to our children as we continue to watch over them and keep them safe! Please consider joining us in raising the money for this incredible project!